lp verwaltung

von perkup, 2024

Ein neuer Spritzer Farbe erwartet Passant:innen in der pulsierenden Neubaugasse. PerkUp hat diesem Hauseingang seinen ganz eigenen Anstrich verpasst, und damit das bunte Treiben im siebten Bezirk noch ein bisschen bunter gemacht.

besuche es vor ort
LP Verwaltung mural from the front with blurred man walking past
Mural medium close up showing the mural on the door and part of the wall
Close up of the mural depicting illustrations and line art
Close up detail depicting artists signature and the date of the mural
Wide angle shot of the mural from a lower angle
Close up of the mural depicting details like flowers, houses, etc.
Close up for the doorframe and door covered in the mural
Shot through leaves showing the mural on the door and on one side of the wall
Mural shot from further away with blurred cyclists coming through